Start Your Journey

Stop The Cycle of Heartbreak & Fall In Love With Life Again.

“Pricilla’s coaching is a total return on investment - what I share with her is met in equal part with ideas, suggestions, and strategies for moving forward.”

— Codie M.


Single Session

Our pay-as-you-go option is great if you aren’t ready to commit to weekly sessions or just need some guidance on a specific issue.

Included: One 45 minute session.


Monthly Subscription

Four times a month, once a week, you and your coach! You’re going to dive into who you are and what you need. Develop new habits that align with what you want for yourself.

Included: Initial personal assessment, four 45 minute sessions per month.


The Breakup Bounce-Back

Listen, we’ve all been there! The pain, the crying, the eating your feelings. Our program offers intensive support to help you heal after a breakup.

Included: Personal assessment, one 60 minute session per week, unlimited text, digital workbook, after session notes/”homework”.

“Honestly, if I can spare anyone heartache or help them grow—I’ve fulfilled my mission. Life coaching isn’t about endless conversations, it’s about progress and action.”

— Pricilla Martinez, Founder

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