Self-Love Journal Prompts for the Self-Love Lover

Journaling isn't as cliché as you may think. There are solid benefits to getting your thoughts down on paper. Figuring out the strategy to go along with our self-love journal prompts is just as important as the prompts themselves. 

Self-love journal prompts

Why journaling is beneficial?

Keeping it unfiltered and blunt.

Getting all of your thoughts out without fear of judgment is invaluable. It's amazing what will come pouring out when you permit yourself to say the quiet parts out loud–in writing at least. 

Those quiet parts are the things that you're avoided saying because you'll be judged, will risk hurting someone's feelings, or maybe you just don't like the way your thoughts sound. Getting it down on paper can keep you honest about what's going on in that beautiful head of yours. 

There are psychological, emotional, and according to a study, physical benefits to journaling.

You are intentionally sitting down to process your thoughts and that can help you pinpoint and reduce sources of stress. 

You get to sit with your thoughts.

Rather than distract yourself, you're taking the time to sit with your thoughts and assess your life and feelings. This keeps you tuned into what you need and feel so your actions align to benefit you. 

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When should you journal?

Morning pages. The concept comes from the book, The Artist Way by Julia Cameron. The idea behind this is to keep writing for three pages first thing in the morning. Allow your thoughts to go where they want and just keep writing. The idea is that as you rant about your burdens, fears, or whatever comes to mind, you'll unleash shed those thoughts and unleash your creativity or gain clarity. 

After a coaching or therapy session. You never know where your feelings are going to go during a session, so it's hard to jot down notes while you're in the middle of it.

Some people may be overwhelmed and try to distract themselves immediately after a session. I encourage clients to stay in their feelings for a bit and process what they're feeling. Write about questions you were asked, the feelings you were left with, or possible next steps. 

When you're feeling down. Gratitude journals can be done daily or a couple of times per week. The time of day and frequency doesn't matter as much as what you need to get out of it. This type of journal will help keep things in a positive perspective as you take stock of all the things you have going for yourself. 

You're documenting a journey. Whether it's self-love or your fitness goals, keeping track of your thoughts and feelings as you accomplish them can help you stay focused and on track. Bullet journals are very useful to track new habits and goals. 

Self-Love Journal Prompts

There are so many things to write about when it comes to self-love! Here are some suggestions:

  1. Write about your goals and dreams.

  2. Describe your favorite memories.

  3. Share your strengths and talents.

  4. Think about what makes you happy.

  5. Talk about your fears and worries.

  6. Reflect on your successes.

  7. Write down one thing about yourself that you like.

  8. Write down one thing someone did for you today.

  9. Today I am grateful for…

  10. Describe your personality as if you were talking about your child.

  11. Write a letter to your future self ten years from now.

  12. What makes you a good friend, partner, or family member?

  13. Write about your bucket list. What's on it? Why is it important?

  14. Talk about the last moment you felt really proud and why.

  15. Write about a time you overcame fear.

  16. Who do you have the best relationship with? Why?

  17. How are you being shown love by others?

  18. How are you showing love to yourself?

  19. List three small things that bring you joy every day.

  20. List 10 things/people that inspire and motivate you. Why?

  21. Write a letter to your current or future partner. What do you need them to know about you?

  22. What does happiness mean to you?

  23. How did you show yourself love today?

  24. What are your non-negotiables and expectations for the people in your life?

  25. What are the consequences for crossing your boundaries?

  26. What do you need more or less of in your life?

  27. What can you do today to feel proud of yourself?

  28. When do you feel most at peace?

  29. Brag about yourself for at least a full page.

  30. How do you deal with anger?


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